General Interest

Been whammied!

Well March certainly threw me for a loop and that is why I haven’t been around for a while. Imagine my surprise thinking I had an ear infection and winding up in the ER! Discovered I had sky high (and I’m talking stratospheric) blood pressure. They stabilized me, gave me a prescription and sent me home. Went back to a doctor about a week and half later and back in ER! This time they sent me to ICU for five days. Whoa! Scary shit, for I’ve been healthy all my life, and never have been hospitalized before.

I told the doctors and nurses, hey, just call me the walking enigma! It stuck. All tests so far have come out negative. No organic reasons!  So right now on four bp meds and some Xanax. The readings are much better, but still not there, so one day at a time. Guess I inherited my mum’s genes (she also had high bp most of her life), so…

I now have a cardiologist and also sought the wisdom of a friend who is a naturopathic doctor (ND). Maybe between the two of them we can get me back to normal. Wait, I never was normal, but that’s another story. Let’s just say I’m grateful to be alive or not stroked-out!

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