General Interest

8 mm Memories

My father loved taking movies of the family and our adventures. Fond memories. Recently I grabbed all the reels I could find and paid an online company to convert them for me. Last night I tripped through the past. So many happy times. To see my dad was a joyous occasion, because he passed when I was twelve. We were the best of buddies. He was and is my inspiration for life. He lived every moment to the fullest. Treated people with utmost respect and to this day, everyone who knew him said he was the best! That’s how I remember him too.

So, I got to see him, and see so many people who are no longer with us. A few I had forgotten. To be able to see the people I loved, smiling, dancing, sharing a kiss… Well it was beyond words.

Made me smile to see myself as a young child with a camera. One of my first loves – photography. My Uncle Howard had his own dark room and that’s where my love affair began in a basement in Detroit. It still continues to this day.

Now I’m looking forward to digging through the attic this winter . Hoping I can find more precious memories. Life is good.

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