BTS - Creations - General Interest

That’s What Christmas is all about Charlie Brown

The smallest acts of kindness really touch my heart, and last night was no exception to the rule. 

Just before bed I received a DM on Twitter from someone I’ve corresponded with several times during the year. 

Her: hello!!!! how are you? btw..did you send me a xmass card?

Me: Yes, I did!

Her: awwwww thank you!!!!! i really love the card. i was very surprised. this is my first Bangtan card. thank you!!!!!  thank you!!!!!

Me: You are so welcome. I enjoyed creating them and mailing to all my BTS buddies on TW.

Her: (with a gif of two BTS members hugging each other) thank you. it was very unexpected and amazing card. i am really thankful!!!!!!

Me: I like to surprise my friends. I think giving is even more fun than receiving. It brings me joy. Glad it did the same for you.

Her:  i dont know what else to say. it has been a stressful 2020 and this little things means the world! you have no idea how many smiles you brought with these cards. i hope you know that what you are doing means the world to some of us 😀

Me: Wow, your words just made me cry. But they are happy tears.  Thank you for your words. It’s been a tough week for me. (I went on to explain that I had gone through some tough things lately). I guess we are good for each other this week.

Her:  ohh no. i hope everything goes back to normal or gets better. even with your own worries, you still manage to share these cards. you are absolutely an incredible person. sometimes we take for granted what we have in front of us and dont realize it until we lose it. i hope (regarding our discussion above) you figure this out. i hope all can be happy 😀

Me: It’s so nice to be appreciated… 

I should be getting to bed. It’s getting late here. Nearly midnight and I have running around to do in the morning. 

Let’s talk again. It’s been fun and good for my soul. 

Saranghae, M

This is what keeps on inspiring me. Little things like this. Not money, not prestige, just kindness and appreciation direct from the heart. That’s what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown.

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