General Interest

Communication is Key!

Communication is Key in Life! Don’t blame your problems on someone else if you’re not taking the time to express your thoughts and ideas in a concise manner. It all begins and ends with you.
I have no problem communicating with the vast majority of people in my life. We never have problems because we express our thoughts and feelings to each other, which leaves no room for misinterpretation. Basic concept. Yet there are a couple of human beings who continually make life harder than it needs to be. Are they mad? Are they disappointed? Are they being straight with me? It’s a constant guessing game, and because of that, I never know where I stand. 
So I’ve come to the realization that it’s their problem, not mine, because they not only do it with me, they do it with everyone in their lives. It all comes back on them. If they choose to play games, then I will no longer be a willing participant. I refuse to fall into your spiderweb.
Like Confucius said, 
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

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