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BTS ARMY – one act of kindness…

  What a wonderful way to start my Monday morning because I just received a most lovely and inspiring email.

November 6, 2022

Dear Marion, I’m not sure how many words this page allows so I’ll try to make it short…which might be impossible. My name is Laura, my granddaughter is Emma. You sent her your book Discovering BTS an unexpected journey. First, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a phenomenal human being and sending love to Emma. She has struggled so much with hate and pressure from the kids at school because she loves BTS so much. My heart was broken, not knowing what else I could do to help her. I thought of this special opportunity to reach out to Army for help. The response has been overwhelming! She received so many letters and packages all with beautiful encouraging words. Because she was able to see that she has more support with Army, she has really had a change in the way she processes the negativity at school. She’s able to look past those kids and see they don’t control her anymore! It’s a small miracle! I read your book and it brought me to tears…I feel connected to a lot of the stories. We all have our story to tell about our journey with BTS. I am a 💯 BTS ARMY myself. My daughter is, she’s 22 years old, and of course Emma. I guess we will submit our stories for your next book if that’s okay. I really just want you to know how much we all appreciate your kindness. Love goes along way and BTS has built an Army with love, acceptance and understanding. I couldn’t be more proud to belong to this Fandom! Thanks again and if you don’t mind I’m going to do a little post about your book on my Tik Tok…Love Laura

My reply:

November 7, 2022

Dearest Laura:

I’m sitting here with tears of joy in my eyes, replying to your most lovely email regarding Emma and your family. I am so overwhelmed at the moment that I hardly know what to say. However, please note that I am beyond grateful for your letter, and even more pleased that I and other ARMY have made such a profound difference in Emma’s life. Oh, how I would love to meet the three of you. I’d give you the biggest hugs right now. 

I am looking forward to your stories and would be so proud to include them in my new book. And please feel free to share this on Tik Tok. I plan on writing about our correspondence in my blog. I’ll make sure to send you the link. Let’s keep in touch.

Borahae, Marion

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