Animal Kingdom - Gardening - The great outdoors

Monarchs are Gonna Love Me!

We usually have a wealth of butterflies in our yard, but knowing that monarch numbers have been dwindling, we want to do what we can to encourage their continued growth. So, today I bought two different species of milkweed, and I’m excited about the prospects.

Growing milkweeds for monarch butterflies

Addendum: Hope you get a chance to visit this site too – Joyful Butterfly. What’s nice is they tell you want plants are native to your state.

BTW, I received my milkweed and my ferns yesterday. Now I just have to wait until the rain stops, but we sorely need it, so no complaints.

3 Comments on “Monarchs are Gonna Love Me!

  1. I’ve started my milkweed seeds already. Time to pot them up and wait for the last frost to plant them out! Go Monarks!

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