commentary - General Interest - Kindness - Philosophy

Be Your Own Light!

Be Your Light

Let’s start the morning by turning on a light – the light within your heart, the light within your soul. However, if you’re feeling a bit down today, then let me show you the many ways to relight that fire within you.

At times it may seem difficult or even impossible, however, we are often the culprits, our own worst enemies, because we’ve allowed the national news, politicians, social media, etc., into our daily lives, into our homes. However, you don’t have to let the naysayers win, because you still have control over your life, and not vice-versa. Remember, the sun still rises each day, it’s just that sometimes it’s obscured by clouds.
If you’re in a metaphysical dark room, you may start off by using a dimmer switch, slowly turning up the light, because as with most things in life, it doesn’t happen overnight. What are some things that bring you joy, that cause you to smile? It can be something that may appear insignificant to others. It doesn’t have to be a EUREKA flash in the night!

Recent studies have shown that bringing animals and music into nursing homes, hospitals, and other institutions, can dramatically affect the people within. They’ve seen amazing results in patients who previously had shut themselves off from the world, including those who had been uncommunicable with everyone around them. Showing once again that it’s often the little things in life that we take for granted.

So, what can you do to turn up that switch? Start small. A half hour, a couple of hours, an afternoon. Take a walk around your neighborhood or your favorite park, and appreciate the lovely day, the beautiful trees, the green grass, a fellow human being who shares a hello. Visit your local library and explore the shelves. Ask the librarian to suggest books on positivity. Go window shopping and stop for a cup of tea or coffee. Who knows, you may spark a conversation with someone you just met. Ask a friend to lunch and catch up on the latest.

Listen to an old album, your favorite radio station, or create a streaming playlist. My husband and I joined Spotify. It’s a great venue for finding old songs or turning yourself onto new music. I have a multitude of playlists. Will it be folk, rock, pop, classical or something in between? I’ve found that “plugging in” for even a few minutes can dramatically alter your mood. Attend a free concert in the park or get tickets to your favorite music venue.

Set aside an evening and watch a movie you’ve seen twenty times and make some popcorn and snuggle under a warm blanket. Pick up the phone and call a friend who always brings sunshine into your life, no matter the day of the week, or time of the year. Get out a jigsaw or crossword puzzle. Pick up your old paint brush and try your hand at watercolors again. Who cares if it’s good or bad? It only matters that you’ve immersed yourself in something that made you forget what time it is.

Volunteer! I’ve learned so much through volunteering, and it’s a great chance to meet others of the same mindset. Try your local library, a school, a hospital, food bank, animal shelter, etc. They always need assistance, and it’s a wonderful way to be part of your community and give to others.
Tackle a to-do list! It doesn’t have to be anything big. Start small. Make a daily list. Today I will – sweep the porch and do a load of laundry. Check, check! You won’t believe how gratifying it can be to cross off items on a piece of paper. Hey look, you just accomplished something. Now, go put your feet up and grab a book. That’s right, you deserve it. Next time, think bigger, and move on to a weekly, monthly, or yearly list.

Subscribe to newsletters or blogs. Find something that will appeal to you. Something that gives you an emotional spark. Something that will give a lift to your day and motivate you. Recently I subscribed to The Marginalian – a midweek pick-me-up. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it too.

Tell someone they’ve done an excellent job, by writing a review, patting someone on the back, sending an email or making a phone call. You’d be amazed at what this can do. I make this a standard practice. Often people only say something when they have a complaint, but let’s turn that around. Yesterday, for instance, I sent an email to our landscaping company, telling them that the two workers did a splendid job. They wrote back immediately and said how pleased they were to hear this and they in turn shared it with their workers. It may only be a few words, but they can be magical.

I hope I’ve brought you a sense of well-being this morning. Stay tuned for more. Pass it on…

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