Being Fed Fruit Loops!


In today’s video we discuss why Today’s Music is So Boring… That’s the subject matter of Rick Beato’s video dated, May 28, 2021, so I knew I had to watch it.

Anyone who knows me well enough, will acknowledge that I think most pop music today is boring. It does nothing for my mind, body or soul. I need something a bit more chewy – something I can sink my teeth into. And after seeing Rick’s video, let’s just say it was right up my alley.

That’s why I rarely listen to AM or FM radio stations. That’s why you will find me trolling YouTube or XM radio or Spotify, where I can hear an eclectic range of music/genres. I want to hear music beyond the Top 40. And in my honest estimation, I don’t even know how half that music got to be in the Top 40? Duh, that’s a number one hit? Yikes!

And while we’re here, I have to add that I learned some scary things on Twitter. 

The few times I dared to speak of the above, I did so at the risk of being hung in the town square. PREPARE her NOOSE!  “Didn’t you love that song?” Uh, no, I thought it was dreadfully boring. Mundane words, predictable chorus and it sounds like a million other songs I’ve heard before, so NO! There are many reasons why songs don’t move us, so I won’t go into details here. Instead, watch Rick’s video and you might even learn a bit about music theory, writing a great song, etc. 

Back to Twitter… It was also the first time I was introduced to the “vote now crowd”.  Wait, what? Yes, people who had no need to listen to a song first, yet were already singing its praises (pun intended), concluding that it should be NUMBER ONE on the charts. Say what? How is this possible and when did this phenomenon come into fashion? It should make you think twice. So, I no longer have to listen to a song, but merely plug it because I’m obligated to do so (i.e. it’s your favorite band). Later, they’d state, “Well I finally listened to it, and it’s okay, but it still deserves to be played because (band name here) collaborated on it, etc.” I call this the mindless and guilty syndrome – mindless because you’re following the crowd and guilty, because you feel obligated to say you like something, regardless of your true feelings. And let’s not forget that we are supposed to stream 24/7. “I streamed all day and all night. Didn’t you?”, my acquaintances would ask. “Oh, you mean I don’t even have to listen?” Just keep pumping those numbers. Please tell me you think this is wrong too!

What happened to music appreciation? What happened to when a song made you fall head over heels in love, so that twenty years later that beautiful melody still rang in your head? Please explain this bot behavior!

Okay, whattsup with the Fruit Loops? Like I said, you’ll have to watch Rick’s video….

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