Backyard Birding List

Backyard Birding List
White-crowned sparrow Marion J Chard

I thought I’d share my backyard birding list with you which includes every species we see during the four seasons here in northern Michigan. These are only the birds we see in our neighborhood and not while visiting other areas. What’s on your list?

Updated February 9, 2025

 American crow
 American robin
 American tree sparrow
 Baltimore oriole
 Black-capped chickadee
 Blue jay
 Brown-headed cowbird
 Chipping sparrow
 Dark-eyed junco/slate-colored
 Downy woodpecker
 European starling
 Gray catbird
 Hairy woodpecker
 House finch
 House wren
 Indigo bunting
 Mourning dove
 Northern cardinal
 Pileated woodpecker
 Pine siskin
 Purple finch
 Red-bellied woodpecker
 Red-breasted nuthatch
 Red-headed woodpecker
 Red-winged blackbird
 Rose-breasted grosbeak
 Ruby-throated hummingbird
 Tennessee warbler
 Tufted titmouse
 White-breasted nuthatch
 White-crowned sparrow

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