
Invasive plants – you gotta go!

When I first started my English garden several years ago after moving to a house with a horrid front lawn, I was happy and eager to collect plants from friends. Well over the past few years, including this fall, I am still diligently digging up these little pests. At first I was overjoyed to have anything growing in my yard, but learned quickly that many plants given to me were INVASIVE and spread quickly, sometimes taking over my other precious plants.

Today I painstakingly removed the last of the white loosestrife from the side garden, only to know that I will have to keep my eyes open for stray shoots. It’s NOT easy to rid myself of it completely because this little bugger is stealthy and healthy – trust me.

So my advice to you is this – be leery of flower exchanges. Ask questions and read about the plants you trade with friends or buy from nurseries, and make sure that anything you plant isn’t listed as invasive for your area.

Image result for white gooseneck loosestrife

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