General Interest - Kindness

A Simple Act of Kindness

A friend sent a message to me late last night, regarding an act of kindness that she and her mother experienced yesterday. It was so sweet and so pure that I wanted to share it with my readers. 

“Had a very sweet interaction with a stranger today.

Driving to Henry Ford Hospital I pulled into the left turn lane in Orchard Lake Road to turn left on 15 Mile (Road). The car next to me I noticed a woman smiling really big. I smiled back and she motioned, “your mother?” I said yes and she smiled harder and rolled down her window. So I did too. She said you both are beautiful! So happy to see beautiful mother and daughter. You look so much like each other. Mom smiled and waved, not hearing a word. I thanked her and waved and we turned left. Mom said who was that? So I told her what just happened. She was amazed and said that was Ganesha*!  I said it’s so nice for people to take the time these days to say something nice to others. She said, it made my day.❤️”

* Ganesha is a beloved Hindu god with an elephant head and a human body, who represents wisdom, success, and overcoming obstacles.


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