Books - General Interest - History - STEM

Connections – Life is never linear

In the late 70s, there was a superb PBS science series by James Burke, called Connections: An Alternative View of Change.

Through the exploration of history and science, he explains to his audience how seemingly unrelated events are actually tied to each other. That necessity is the mother of invention, and how accidental discoveries changed the world forever.

Watching each episode is an enlightening adventure, as he “connects” seemingly unrelated events. How did the loom lead to the invention of computers? How did the wearing of linen undergarments hundreds of years ago lead to advancement of the printed word and thus the education of the masses.

Said Burke, “My purpose is to acquaint the reader with some of the forces that have caused change in the past, looking in particular at eight innovations — the computer, the production line, telecommunications, the airplane, the atomic bomb, plastics, the guided rocket, and television — which may be most influential in structuring our own futures….Each one of these is part of a family of similar devices, and is the result of a sequence of closely connected events extending from the ancient world until the present day. Each has enormous potential for humankind’s benefit — or destruction.”

There is also a companion book by the same name available on Amazon.

Watching this series will make everyone wish that James Burke was your history and science teacher! In my estimation, it rates right up there with Cosmos by Carl Sagan. It will forever change how you view the world. 


Fans of Connections – Rejoice – a new series is airing!

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