General Interest

Silence is NOT golden!

I’m a very strong person, and I normally don’t let things get to me. However, yesterday was a different story.

After receiving a text message, I felt truly let down by people I’ve trusted and worked for, for over fifteen years. By not backing me, their silence shot through the air like a roaring volcano. Instead, of taking issue with a few virulent people, they chose the easy way out by not confronting the problem. To me, it was the coward’s way out of a sticky situation, and I’m the one out in left field.

Those who remain silent do more harm than good.  Silence may shelter you from risk and the possibility of facing unpleasant consequences, but in the end, it will come back with a vengeance. It’s like sweeping dust under a rug, but it’s still there in the end – only a temporary solution, until it’s unleashed.

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