General Interest - Music

When inspiration goes by the wayside

Left to right: Dr Bob, Lisa, Marion, Marc, and Jordy

There are times in your life when things fall together. You don’t ask why or how. Maybe we were simply in the right place at the right time.

It all began innocently. The three of us attending the same parties, and of course by the dictates of the universe, we’d fall into song with three part harmonies. And often enough, friends would say, you guys should sing together.

Eventually, we became Tubes of Fear (more on that another time) and it was magic. We enjoyed each other’s company, had the same taste in music, and the harmonies gelled and flowed. We looked forward to Tuesday night practices or Tubesday (as we called it). It was Jordy, Lisa, and Marion. We were family.

Soon enough the three became five, and yes we went through several variations, but this was the ONE!

Jordy – guitar and vocals
Lisa – keyboards and vocals
Marion – bass and vocals
Marc – guitar and occasional vocals
Dr Bob – drums

Our choice of music? Alternative rock. We played “creative” covers and we wrote originals. We played in various small venues around the Detroit area and had a few weekend gigs up north, and of course played at friend’s parties – the same parties where we were encouraged to make a go of it. We even recorded a CD at a local studio.

However, as with anything in life, all good things came to an end. The band broke up. I decided to move north. If I didn’t have my band, well… We still talked and saw each other on numerous occasions, but there was a big piece of my life missing.

I still played a bit on occasion, but I missed my “family”.

Then Lisa was diagnosed with lung cancer. What a shock. I remember joking that we’d be still singing when we were 90. Nevertheless, she persevered for several years, and we truly believed she’d kick the bastard’s ass. She was that kind of individual. Nothing seemed to faze her. She kept going, no matter what the odds. She put a smile on her face, and continued down the path, even when the path took a fork in the road. She had enough spirit for several people.

We even had a summer get-together at my house, and yes, she attended, along with her husband, and several others. We had a wonderful time, and sometime during the weekend, I pulled out the lyrics to a song, and showed them to her. It was so US. So together with Eric on guitar, the three of us learned the song, and nailed the harmonies. We planned to sing it for everyone in the near future… It was the last song we ever sang together.

And now, whenever I hear that song…

That was the last slap for me. I completely lost the drive and desire to play my guitar or bass after her passing. Even our local bartender tried to get me to play for everyone, but I just couldn’t do it. How could I explain what I felt? A big junk of my heart was missing.

Then recently, a window opened, and that little spark came flying back. I picked up my guitar a few weeks ago, and learned a new song (sorry I can’t fill in the details because it’s a surprise for someone special).

And as I work among my black-eyed susans and her scattered ashes, I’ll continue to hear her voice.

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