Computers - Research - STEM

A.I. Revolution – Nova

Tonight, we watched an intriguing episode of NOVA, regarding artificial intelligence, otherwise known as A.I. If you’re curious about this equally fascinating, as well as potentially scary subject, this program will give you food for thought.

As with anything in life, it has the capacity for greatness as well as evil. For instance, subatomic particles, are used for scanning the human body for diseases or the same electrons, protons, and neutrons, can create hydrogen bombs. Water, is an essential element needed to sustain life, yet a tsunami can wipe out thousands in an instant. Fire allowed homo sapiens to expand to new levels on Earth, but it also has the potential for catastrophic consequences.

And the same can be said for A.I. but could its powerful potential be beyond our grasp? Well intentioned individuals will find it beneficial for looking for cures for cancer or orphaned diseases. Scientists urgently wanting solutions for global warming could find immediate and viable solutions. However, criminals could also use it for their own diabolical reasons. Or, think of HAL, the computer in the movie, 2001: a Space Odyssey. Faced with conflicting instructions presented to him by humans, HAL is forced to make his own decisions, to the unfortunate demise of the astronauts aboard the ship.

Many of today’s “big players” don’t want rules to inhibit the process. But numerous people are thinking ahead and see how something as powerful as artificial intelligence has the capability to turn to the dark side. I for one am in their corner. I believe we must be proactive – usually something humans seem incapable of doing. Let’s have the foresight, and not wait when the inevitable presents itself. A. I. can be a life-altering gain for the world, but let’s not be naive.

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