Deadline extended once again
While my goal was to publish by the end of April, I’ve had to once again extend the deadline for Discovering BTS: the best is yet to come, to April 30, 2023, due to lack of submissions. My hope was …
While my goal was to publish by the end of April, I’ve had to once again extend the deadline for Discovering BTS: the best is yet to come, to April 30, 2023, due to lack of submissions. My hope was …
Along with Hobi’s announcement of his enlistment, he and I are reminding you to register and submit your ARMY story for book two (the follow-up), Discovering BTS: the best is yet to come. What a great way to show the guys …
I began work on the follow-up to Discovering BTS: an unexpected journey and am sharing the preface finished minutes ago, and also the preliminary front cover. Although the book is in its initial stages, I’m hoping for a release date sometime …
Pleased to share a link to my reviews on Amazon. Thank you dear readers.
What a wonderful way to start my Monday morning because I just received a most lovely and inspiring email. November 6, 2022 Dear Marion, I’m not sure how many words this page allows so I’ll try to make it short…which …
In light of BTS’s coming enlistments, I’ve decided to start book two, so ARMY let’s support our guys by telling them how much they mean to you. Many said that they regretted not doing so for the 1st book, so …