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    BTS ARMY – one act of kindness…

      What a wonderful way to start my Monday morning because I just received a most lovely and inspiring email. November 6, 2022 Dear Marion, I’m not sure how many words this page allows so I’ll try to make it short…which might be impossible. My name is Laura, my granddaughter is Emma. You sent her your book Discovering BTS an unexpected journey. First, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a phenomenal human being and sending love to Emma. She has struggled so much with hate and pressure from the kids at school because she loves BTS so…

  • BTS - BTS ARMY - My books

    BTS enlistment & Book 2

    In light of BTS’s coming enlistments, I’ve decided to start book two, so ARMY let’s support our guys by telling them how much they mean to you.  Many said that they regretted not doing so for the 1st book, so now’s your chance. Please share! SHARE YOUR STORIES Update 10-23-2022:  Deadline for story submittals is Jan 15, 2023!

  • BTS - BTS ARMY - My books

    Book in Busan

     Thanks to my dear friend CG, my book actually made it into the hands of Jimin’s father. While visiting S Korea, she made a stop at Magnate, Jimin’s father’s popular restaurant. She was going to leave it on the table, but the employee’s said, oh no, we must give this to the owner, personally. So my signed copy to the Kim family is now only one step away from reaching BTS.  And if you’re unaware, BTS will be performing a free concert in Busan later this week. Talk about exquisite timing. I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself.  All…

  • BTS - BTS ARMY - My books

    An Unsolicited Review

      Thank you Edward for your beautifully rendered video review of Discovering BTS: an unexpected journey. Words can never express my surprise and delight. Every author needs a fan just like you.  Visit my site at Discovering BTS: an unexpected journey