• Computers - Research - STEM

    A.I. Revolution – Nova

    Tonight, we watched an intriguing episode of NOVA, regarding artificial intelligence, otherwise known as A.I. If you're curious about this equally fascinating, as well as potentially scary subject, this program will give you food for thought.

  • Computers - STEM

    Inside the Miracle

    Last night I read a fascinating article, Inside the Miracle of Modern Chip Manufacturing. The story featuring impressive graphics, gives a true perspective on the minute size of modern chip manufacturing. After reading it, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the scale of transistors.

  • Computers

    Busy little bee

    I've been busy as little bee in spring, as I revamp, migrate websites and transfer domains. It's a big job, and not for the faint of heart, but it's been a part of my world for many years.