• Gardening

    Invasive plants – you gotta go!

    When I first started my English garden several years ago after moving to a house with a horrid front lawn, I was happy and eager to collect plants from friends. Well over the past few years, including this fall, I am still diligently digging up these little pests. At first I was overjoyed to have anything growing in my yard, but learned quickly that many plants given to me were INVASIVE and spread quickly, sometimes taking over my other precious plants. Today I painstakingly removed the last of the white loosestrife from the side garden, only to know that I…

  • Gardening

    What fern is that?

    What fern is that. I’m usually very resourceful, especially when it comes to gardening, but for the life of me, I was not able to identify this fern that I planted several years ago. So wrote to a website and received an answer back within 24 hours. Thank you Neil. Love your sense of humor! Hello no problem. It is Athyrium filix-femina ‘Cruciatum Group’ ‘Victoriae’ , (Health warning. Do not try to write the whole name on a small label as this has been shown to result in high levels of frustration.) Regards Neil Timm When I replied, he sent…