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Many thanks to my ARMY pal Lynn, for the beautiful photo she took after receiving my book. I love it. Proud to say that book sales are doing well during their first weeks after release. Fans have been buying the …
Many thanks to my ARMY pal Lynn, for the beautiful photo she took after receiving my book. I love it. Proud to say that book sales are doing well during their first weeks after release. Fans have been buying the …
It’s official! Discovering BTS is available on Amazon! I’m so excited!!! I will also have an eBook soon too. My Etsy store is now open for orders. Expecting shipment copies any day now, so I can sign them for anyone who’s …
Submitted my book to KDP (the printer) and if all goes well, the book should be available on Amazon.com within the next 72 hours. I had to make some minor changes last night, so, I re-submitted the manuscript this …
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I took over the job as cover illustrator. I hope you like my choice. I will be uploading it tonight to KDP, then waiting for them to send me a draft print of the book …
What a satisfying feeling. The Discovering BTS manuscript is now complete and proofed. Now I’m awaiting the arrival of the cover art from Gordon Skalski, next week. Another step closer to publishing. I’m so excited. ARMY, I hope you will …
Tonight as I sit and write the final chapters of my book, Discovering BTS, I have much to reflect upon. I chose to share the beginning paragraphs of the chapter, Covid Rears its Head. “It’s often said that every dark …