Seems too many people let themselves get perturbed by things they can’t control. Some even worry themselves to death or at least give themselves ulcers in the interim. But just as Dr. K states above, in one of his many Guides to Mental Health, we let the things we can’t control, control the things WE CAN CONTROL.

Progressive Perspective interviewed Neil deGrasse Tyson and asked him his opinions on the following topics including climate change, artificial intelligence, the “fake” moon landing, and the existence of God. I’ve added my own two cents below.

In case you needed some food for thought this morning, take this into consideration. But wait, better get another cup of coffee first. We’re about the get “heady”! We’re talking about the blending of quantum physics, mysticism, and metaphysics. “Quantum metaphysics”?????

Many people are unwilling to change because it scares them, and I can understand that. However, I see change as a sign of growth; a willingness to learn and keeping an open mind to new ideas and concepts. Frankly, I find it sad when I see people stagnate; to stubborn to see things in a new light. We weren’t meant to be unmoving rocks, but rather like rivers who ebb and flow over and around them, altering our direction…