Fave Quotes by Albert Einstein
One of my all time heroes is Albert Einstein. Others may look to Hollywood stars, but not me. I have a photo of him on my guest room wall. No, it’s not a photo of the man himself, but of …
One of my all time heroes is Albert Einstein. Others may look to Hollywood stars, but not me. I have a photo of him on my guest room wall. No, it’s not a photo of the man himself, but of …
Lee and I are huge fans of Star Talk, with Neil Degrasse Tyson, however, sometimes we skip over certain shows that don’t directly relate to science. Sorry Neil, LOL! Last night was a different story for we watched a DVR’ed …
There are often times when I find myself reading two books at the same time. I guess you can call it my abject hunger for the written word. And this week is no exception, as I delicately turn the gold …
Funny, a friend and I (she’s a chemist) were talking about this very thing the other day. Seems too many people are eager to poo-poo almost anything with a chemical name. Below is a similar story she shared with me. …