commentary - General Interest

Charities and never-ending mail

Are you overwhelmed with reminders to donate to charities? We certainly are.

The above photo shows the contents of our mailbox from Monday and it’s typical of the mail we get every day of the week. Charities begging for donations!

Now mind you, we have several favorites, including St. Jude’s Hospital and The Nature Conservancy and willingly donate at the end of each year. But the deluge of reminders has to stop. It’s become ridiculous and overwhelming when the same non-profits reach out at least once every two weeks, if not more.

I think of all the paper that ends up in our burn pile and I’m aghast to think about the same thing occurring in millions of households across America; with most of it making its way to landfills. It’s a menace. Aren’t we supposed to be conserving?

Then I wonder about how much of our donations are wasted on multiple reminders. You too? I’d love to see the statistics. I’d rather have the money spent where it’s needed. I understand the need to reach out to the public but for Pete’s sake, there has to be a happy medium.

If they think that bombarding us works in their favor, I beg them to rethink their strategy, because annoying people tends to do the opposite. Oh, it’s you again – toss! Piss me off enough times and you’ll get ignored. Guaranteed.

And what about the fillers? We have an entire drawer stuffed with little notepads – enough to last a lifetime, and that’s no joke. Sure, they come in handy but how many do we need? And don’t forget about address labels. Egads!

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