General Interest - Kindness - Social media

Labels, labels, labels, labels, labels…

I am not an “ist”!

For the vast majority of my life, I was part of a culture that vigorously attempted to throw off the shackles of nomenclature. We wanted to be defined as human beings, who stressed their commonalities, instead of pointing to our differences. But it seems the tables have turned. Watch the news or a talk show, read the newspaper, or scroll through your favorite social media page, and you’ll see what I mean. We are no longer human beings but are strictly defined by a particular sub-group.

When did we become so segregated?

Let’s look at Jane. Poor Jane. They no longer see her as a lover of fine arts, a supporter and volunteer at the local animal shelter, and an educated lesbian who holds a PhD in biology. NO, people label her simply as a Republican. Nothing else. Evidently, her voting status alone defines the person she is. Oh, and never mind the fact she voted for candidates outside the party line when she believed they were the better person for the job. No one cares to know her as the individual she is.

Ah, Damon. Lives in a London suburb with his mom. Hmmm, he’s twenty-four, so he must love the latest music trends, and he’s probably freeloading cuz he’s still living at home. Wrong on all accounts. He temporarily moved back home to help his mom while she convalesces. He refuses to be defined by pronouns on his Instagram home page and prefers to be known for his love of exotic musical instruments, such as the handpan, and his obsession with sea turtles. He only discusses politics and religion with his best friend, Nate. He feels it’s no one else’s business.

Then there’s Steven, happily married with two kids. He’s a math teacher at a middle school. Loves bowling with his wife, tending his vegetable garden, doing karaoke with his daughters, and playing the cello. Ah, he’s black, so he must be a Democrat. No, he’s actually a Libertarian, a self-made man, who put himself through college and believes in individual freedom and liberty. He’s an individual like Jane and Damon.

I can’t speak for you but I for one adamantly refuse to be confined, defined, termed, identified, or characterized by the latest societal trend of LABELING! And I won’t walk around on eggshells wondering if I offended you by using the wrong nouns or pronouns. How about simply using good manners and treating each other with respect and kindness? How about greeting each other with, hello. Let’s not start with preconceived notions but discover each other through conversation. Maybe we don’t need to know all the details. We’ll determine that on our own. And maybe, just maybe I like you for who you are – a human being with a unique set of DNA.

“Woman of many hats and eternal student! Avid reader, sci/sci-fi nut, musician, perennial gardener, photographer, birder, WWII historian, tai chi/yoga/Qigong pupil…”

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2 Comments on “Labels, labels, labels, labels, labels…

  1. Can you speak a little louder for those in the back?! This.. this is exactly how society sadly is these days.

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