Things that Neil and I have in common

Things that Neil and I have in common
Planet Earth moon and sun (Nasa imagery) (Planet Earth moon and sun

Another great episode with Neil deGrasse Tyson, talking on a variety of topics.

Every time I hear him speak; I realize that our outlook on life lay along the same path. In answer to one of the host’s questions, Neil states, “The only ‘ist’ I am, is a scientist”, and if you MUST label him, then call him a “realistic optimist”. Incredible, those are the two words I always choose to describe myself. And as I discussed in Label Jars Not People, Neil and I agree, that “The ‘isting’ has to stop. You gotta have a conversation with somebody and let them be whatever amorphous shape they are…” Categorizing people upfront does a disservice to both parties. We prefer to discover the nuances of each person along the way.

Watch the interview in its entirety, to hear his perspectives on the universe.

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