Being a discerning person

Learning to think critically and discern truth from lies is an important life skill, but many people don’t harness the ability, nor take the time. They believe whatever they hear, see, and read because someone, somewhere, said so. While most of the time, it flies without harm, but many times it can be harmful or outright dangerous.
Recently a friend shared a “fact” she discerned from the internet. However, being intimate with the subject matter, I kindly disputed the details.
“Uh, hun, that’s not true,” I stated.
“But it says so right here,” she retorted, and proceeded to show me the information displayed on her phone.
“Yes, I can see that, but what are their sources?”
“Anyone can say anything on the internet. Anyone can have a webpage and present “information” to the public, but that doesn’t mean it’s factual.”
She looked at me dumfounded.
She’s exactly the kind of person that “they’re” looking for. Someone naïve enough to believe anything she reads, so they can perpetrate all the misinformation they want. There’s an unlimited source of fabrications out there, and unfortunately, there’s millions of people just like her who won’t take the time to disseminate fact from fiction.
Frequently, what’s presented is not done with outright avarice. There’s no trickery being performed, it’s simply due to not having all the facts. They haven’t done their homework and are just passing it along. However, it’s up to us to filter fact from fiction, and truth from half-truths.
When I’m presented with “info”, the first thing I do is check the source. Where did they acquire their data? Was it from someone who heard it from someone? Did they do any solid research? Do they have a hidden agenda?
When you type something into a search engine or turn on a news channel, it’s wise to remember that just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s reliable or viable. What “side of the fence” do they represent? What does the “other side” have to say?
It’s up to you to dig for the truth. It’s up to you to add up the numbers and draw your own conclusions. Don’t always believe the first thing you hear. It may be time consuming, but anything worth knowing isn’t an instantaneous venture or a one-way street.
Self-education is the key. Be a wise consumer of life.
Addendum: December 22, 2024
Case in point…
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