Can men and women be friends?

I recently read an Instagram post and blanched when the writer emphatically stated that, “Men and women cannot be friends!” No ifs, ands, or buts! I guess I wasn’t surprised, since I’ve learned over the months that he sees everything in life in black and white, and yes or no. I asked myself the question, why DO I “follow” him on social media? Maybe it’s for shock value? Anyway, I digress…
I guess my mother felt the same way. I remember she and a visiting best friend, warning me as I went out the door to meet Kevin and Dan (see below). Their counsel? Men only want one thing. Do not trust any male, blah, blah, blah. Maybe it was because they were “old school”, but I took it in stride. Trust me, I’m not a fool. Of course, some men are asses, and I’ve met plenty, but I have a sharp radar and that doesn’t cloud my judgment; there are good and bad people, including those of the female persuasion.
All my life, I’ve had great male friends (early on) Michael and Billy (brothers), and Trevor. In high school, Jeff (called him Brother), John, Rusty, Don (Murph), and Greg, to name a few. Then there was Kevin and Dan. Those were my besties! We did everything together, including hanging out at Hines Park, attending parties, going to the zoo, and just enjoying each other’s company regardless of the situation. Many of the friendships lasted outside the teenage years, into college, and beyond.
Women who prefer to have more male friends than female friends are happier, healthier and tend to live longer.
While I have many treasured female friends, I’ve always felt more comfortable hanging out with the guys. Maybe it’s due to my interests in life, including football, history and motor racing, maybe it’s because I tire of the pettiness, jealousy, and gossip often displayed by women. While I’m feminine, I never was a “girly girl”. To be honest, I don’t enjoy sitting around doing crafts with a roomful of women. Ugh! And that’s not to put down anyone who does, but it just isn’t ME. Let’s see… go to a baby shower or watch a game with the guys?
I continue to thrive thanks to male buddies from all walks of life. These are friends I may only see from time to time or those I see regularly; and we keep in contact via phone calls, email, cards, or texting.
Platonic love is not a new concept that has been around for many ancient philosophers believed in its power and importance to society. Plato referred to platonic love as “the romance of the mind which arises out of companionship.” The platonic relationship is also referred to as brotherly or sisterly love. It can involve feelings of admiration, respect, and appreciation for one another.
For instance, I met Colin and Major Todd (he’s been promoted, but the name still sticks) via my research into my dad’s military history. We saw each other at WWII reunions and then kept up correspondence. Colin even spent time with my husband and I when he visited from England. Then there are Tom R, Kenny and Ray K, Cliff the Cat, Cliff C, Robin K, Mark F, Dave K, Dr Bob, Tom R, Jay F, and Jordy M. Many were my old bandmates. Others I met on my various walks through life. A few have since passed but regardless they remain in my heart.
Today, I know I can call Jay, Jordy, or Tom, (the bestie of besties) knowing they will always be there for me, day or night, no matter the reason. Trusted friends through thick or thin.
I remember in senior year in high school and after high school. Hung out with the Hamtamck guys and friends . We would meet up on Saturday nights rollerskate at Troy roller rink. We got together sometimes on Sundays played baseball down in Hamtramck. Went to my friends cottage in Canada back in the day. Always good to have guys has friends and girls has friends as long as everyone gets along
I agree 100%. I have great conversations with a male friend at work
Yes-agreed-Friendship is certainly not defined by gender-well said.I find my female friends generally more supportive and emotionally accessible. Proud to say that Marion is one of my absolute best friends.