Gawd, I love Giz
Even though I’ve been following Gizmo for a few months, and knew his story, tonight was the first time I’d seen this clip. At times it made me laugh aloud, and other times, let out an, awwwwww!
Even though I’ve been following Gizmo for a few months, and knew his story, tonight was the first time I’d seen this clip. At times it made me laugh aloud, and other times, let out an, awwwwww!
Discover our favorite nature magazine subscriptions, including Living Bird, Smithsonian and Nature Conservancy.
Chickadee footage captured in my Michigan backyard, winter 2023-2024. Music – Arlington by the Wailin’ Jennys.
I began watching Tico about a week ago and have already fallen in love with his singing abilities and his antics. He’s a lover of music and entertainment! Hope you’ll check him out.
Err, well not me personally, but it would make Symon very, very happy! Mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I could never have a grey parrot or any other bird for that matter, because on a scale of 0-5, I ranked a 4+ when I was recently allergy tested. However, that doesn’t preclude me from watching hours of YouTube videos of my favorite bird, Gizmo.