• Animal Kingdom - Birds/Birding

    BirdCast – Migration Dashboard

    The month of October brings about massive bird migrations, as many of our feathered friends fly south for the winter. If you’d like to see stats on birds in your part of the woods, then you’re in luck. Simply click on the link and select your area from the search bar. The new BirdCast Migration Dashboard provides summaries of radar-based measurements of nocturnal bird migration, including estimates of the total number of birds migrating, their directions, speeds, and altitudes. This tool depicts migration patterns in near real time or as a summary of a whole night after nocturnal periods end…

  • Animal Kingdom - Birds/Birding - Chipmunks - commentary - General Interest

    Keeping cats indoors

    I’m distraught, due to the number of felines roaming our neighborhood and killing our chipmunks, and yes, our birds. As many of you know, my husband and I enjoy watching these tiny cousins of the squirrel. We love seeing them scurry across our deck in search of their favorite treats of peanuts and sunflower seeds and ducking in and out of the “chippie cup”. And of course, my biggest delight is having them eat from my hands and feeling their teeny, padded feet against my skin. We look forward to it every day. But for the last few weeks, we…