• History - Tech

    Venice – engineering for drinkable water

    After watching this video, I exclaimed, “Oh wow, how did I never know this?” So, I decided to share it with my viewers, and also add some interesting facts and other videos about the beautiful city of Venice. How Was Venice Built: An Engineering Marvel Primal Nebula – How Was Venice Built? The Medieval Engineering Behind Venice Venice: Building Beauty from a Swamp – a very detailed view of the history, architecture, and current problems including global warming and increasing water levels.

  • History - My Creations - Research - WWII

    Combat Engineer Forum

    Many moons ago when I started my VI Corps Combat Engineers of WWII website, I also began a forum, which currently has 2,336 members registered. Our members have made a total of 31,138 posts in 5,423 threads. I'm always pleased to see the amount of traffic it receives on a daily basis, even after all this time. For instance, in the last fifteen minutes (those are how stats are presented), I see 102 visitors. The most users online at one time was 673 on 04-25-2024 at 03:22 PM. That astounds me and makes me feel very proud...

  • History - WWII

    Photos from my WWII gallery on the news

    Today I was contacted by Amy Munneke. She sent me the following email regarding their newscast, scheduled for Tues, June 4, 2024. Hi Marion, My name is Amy Munneke and I’m a producer with Special Report on Fox news. We are airing a package tomorrow that profiles three men who died on D-Day. One of those men is Julius Wolfe who I know have some photos of in your collection. I’m wondering if we could get permission to use those with courtesy?

  • History - WWII

    New Zooniverse Project

    After completing the last Zooniverse project, Star Notes, I decided to begin another - WWII Army Separation Notices. While quite a departure from astronomy to history, it's still an interest near and dear to my heart. As many of you know, I began researching my father's WWII history approximately twenty years ago.