However, devious and self-centered behavior wasn’t limited to Henry VIII, but was well-played throughout history. But as witnessed in this ‘short’ regarding The Dark Secrets of Farleigh Hungerford Castle: A Taste of the Dead, disgusting conduct can be found anywhere and only goes to show that people will and can do ANYTHING. However, this one truly blew my mind, so I hope you have a strong stomach!

Imagine soldiers not only going through the horrors of everyday warfare but then stumbling upon concentration camps near or at the end of the war. Just when you thought you’d seen it all, then this unfolds before your very eyes. Who would do this to fellow human beings? Who would incarcerate citizens, torture, starve, gas and work millions of people to death, “just because”…

After watching this video, I exclaimed, “Oh wow, how did I never know this?” So, I decided to share it with my viewers, and also add some interesting facts and other videos about the beautiful city of Venice. How Was …

Venice – engineering for drinkable water Read more »

(the above video is the intro to my documentary, No Bridge Too Far) Many years have passed since I began, writing, directing, producing, and narrating the documentary, No Bridge Too Far, dedicated to my father a 540th Combat Engineer in …

No Bridge Too Far – my WWII documentary Read more »