Combat Engineer Forum

Many moons ago when I started my VI Corps Combat Engineers of WWII website, I also began a forum, which currently has 2,336 members registered. Our members have made a total of 31,138 posts in 5,423 threads. I’m always pleased to see the amount of traffic it receives on a daily basis, even after all this time. For instance, in the last fifteen minutes (those are how stats are presented), I see 102 visitors. The most users online at one time was 673 on 04-25-2024 at 03:22 PM. That astounds me and makes me feel very proud.
Of course, the best days were when we had WWII vets interacting with us, sharing their memories from the war, and so much more. What a wealth of information! They were my (our) inspiration, and we were so lucky to have them as members. I miss those days; however, all those cherished moments are forever preserved.
Here’s a smattering of posts from days gone by…
343rd Engineer General Service Regiment
Doolittle – from one of “my vets” – in fact he has a whole section dedicated to his comments
Rocky and I – a vet from the 34th Infantry Div
36th Ike Jacket
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