Lost in the crowd

I have never been a “follower” in my life. Always the leader, but as the weeks and months progress, I feel like I’m lost in the middle of a feeding frenzy on Twitter. I am overwhelmed. So, why am I feeling so lost at this particular moment? 

As many of you know, I joined Twitter to find out more about BTS, and for the most part, it’s been a good journey. It’s had its ups and down, certainly, but I always try to cull the herd and keep my timeline as free from drama as possible. In the beginning it was wonderful meeting others who shared in my love, but now? Well, with growing numbers I feel like I’ve fallen down a well – it’s all so commercialized – all about numbers and ratings, and streaming, and hashtags. I feel the music’s been lost in the shuffle. 

I’ve talked about this in the past, but I still feel it’s wrong to start pushing a song before you’ve heard it. What about judging a song by its merits and your personal likings? Now it’s all about being competitive. While that will always be a factor, should it be the main one? What about the pure ecstasy? Can’t we just sit back, listen and enjoy the moment? Hmmm, that too appears to be a disappearing art. 

This month with four sold out concerts in Las Vegas, a number of upcoming projects including a new album release, and Yoongi’s involvement/collaboration with Psy, the TL feels like a river filled with hungry piranha. While I adore and admire Yoongi, and appreciate the artistry he lent to Psy’s project, it’s not my cup of tea. I’m not a fan of Psy, and to be honest, until very recently, I never heard of the guy (to me he looks like an Elvis impersonator, no offense intended šŸ˜Š). Yes, the production, and dancing, and quality were wonderful and Yoongi once again proved his talents, but the song has no personal appeal and won’t wind up on any of my playlists.

While a portion of the public will love it (and that’s fine), I can’t help but feel that many are just singing its praises because it’s expected of them. Wanna be cool, well you gotta say you love it. Steam, stream, stream! No one wants to feel left out and actually saying what you feel is a real no-no, even though it’s supposed to be all about Speak Yourself/Love Yourself. 

This week, while dealing with some pressing personal issues, it hit home. I couldn’t deal with the flood of people and posts, and wound up muting numerous accounts, and then altering my Twitter settings to help alleviate the confusion and congestion. It’s helped, yet, I don’t know if I can stay. I hate to admit, but inadvertently, ARMY has taken away a lot of the joy I initially experienced, and I don’t want that to happen. It’s not BTS’s fault, I love them even more now, but I can no longer deal with the fandom (as a whole). I think it’s time to take a sabbatical so I can maintain those initial feelings of pure magic and love. 

So why do I stay? There are two reasons. 1) My book, Discovering BTS, published mere weeks ago, and 2) The good friends I’ve made. 

I’ll be honest, with little to no capital to invest in advertising, my only choice right now is to rely on social media to help me spread the word. So, I keep plodding along trying my best to appeal to ARMY, hoping they will help me with re-tweets. And of course, there’s my good friends, but I can maintain contact via personal messenger/group chats. 

I’ve meditated my way through this mish-mash of feelings (thank you Insight Timer) and am trying to find peace of mind again, but no one including myself, should ever let social media stand in their way of their own personal happiness. Not my circus, not my monkeys. It’s too crowded in here. 

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5 Comments on “Lost in the crowd

  1. Keep at it. When I see something I don't like on Twitter, I ignore it. I sent boundaries. Their opinion is not a ME thing. I also block some accounts so they don't show up in my feed with their toxicity. My main beef right now is fan wars. BTS would not like us getting into it with other fandoms. I need to find and order your book. Lol

  2. Thank you for your kind comment. I like hearing from people. I will keep, keeping on, but maybe a little break and some continued thinning. Very wise. I want to feel like the old me again.

  3. You've done it before and I know you can do it again. The TL can be so disheartening and often times so overwhelming.. do what you need to do. BTS has always wanted us to love their music, their words and meaning. It isn't about numbers to them. It's the experience. Yes we may not like everything they put out and that's normal. While I love That That because I find it a catchy feel good and a song you just can't help but dance to.. I realize it isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's 100% A-okay. Love you M.

  4. Thank you once again. Ya, I will handle it and you are right, it's not about Twitter at all, it's about enjoying their music and them, themselves. That's the only thing I should be concerned about. That and the great friends I've made. Everything else is inconsequential. And if I have to walk away for a while, well that's what I'll do. BTS is all about quality and not quantity. And if people lose site of that, then they've lost site of the message and what's really important. Love you too!

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