Polarizing thinking

Don’t fall into the pit of catastrophic and polarizing thinking. What it does is make you ignore everything in the middle. It becomes right or wrong. Black or white. Good or bad. And sadly, I’m seeing a lot of this happening this morning. So, what can you do to improve things, other than wallow in misery and spreading the vitriol? Remember, that’s what the bad guys want, whoever they may be. And they’ll easily accomplish their goals by dividing us.
“There are so many great things in life; why dwell on negativity?” – Zendaya
Hitting yourself over the head with a hammer, won’t improve your life. That’s a guarantee.
“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
You may not know me and therefore don’t know my background, but like many of you, my life had its share of strife, and I could have taken a very different road. But I feel what saved me was my attitude. I was never into doom and gloom and will never subscribe to the negativity. Remember, birds of a feather, flock together, so be careful who you hang with because they can tarnish your views and eventually you will tumble into their darkness.
“Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.” – anonymous
Life goes on. How you choose to live it, will determine your outcome. Sure, there are things beyond our control, but if you choose to get out of bed with a chip on your shoulder, you’ve made a choice to live life miserably. Nothing will ever improve until you alter your outlook.
“If you attach to the negative behavior of others it brings you down to their level.” — Guru Singh
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