Site rendering problem finally resolved??

Oct 5, 2024
My apologies to anyone (and there were quite a few) who experienced rendering issues with my site. It appears that one of the Word Press plug-ins (MonsterInsights) was the culprit. Bottom line? It was causing the page to “hang” (the dreaded circle of death). Frustrating, and not good for you and certainly not great for yours truly. Who wants a blog that can’t be seen? Yikes!
Solution? The plug-in has been banished to the fiery pits of hell, never to be seen again.
Cheers to @pixelcats for her keen eye. Thanks to her I was able to narrow down the problem last night and get some well-needed sleep. Ahhhhhh…
Update Oct 25, 2024
What I thought was a permanent fix, turned out to be a false bit of hope because many viewers were still plagued by the circle of death and no matter what I tried, the final solution was just out of reach. The problems went much deeper than a plug-in or two and after trying to shake up cache settings, etc., I wasn’t any closer to a solution. Now mind you, I’m used to discovering the culprit and applying a fix and carrying on, instead of pulling my hair out for weeks on end and indulging my anger in a mouthful of expletives.
Enough was enough!
So, yesterday (on the verge of tears), I moved my site from the servers in MA to ones in Arizona, then tweaked my Word Press website, itself, in order to decrease my load time. Results? I think I may have solved this once and for all and it appears from the stats that I have. Shhh, but I’m not holding my breath! 🙂
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