Capturing Winter
While many poo-poo the snow, I love it. When it covers the ground, the Earth is shrouded in a special silence and the white turns the gray of February into a winter wonderland.
While many poo-poo the snow, I love it. When it covers the ground, the Earth is shrouded in a special silence and the white turns the gray of February into a winter wonderland.
Many times, even seasoned birders can confuse Cassin’s, House and Purple Finches (CarpodacusĀ genus). Especially when they’re crowded around your birdfeeder, side by side. It’s easy to do. But hopefully this guide from The Cornell Labs will make the job a little easier…
I see that my YouTube bird playlist (featuring vids I’ve liked) has been growing exponentially, so I thought, why not share it with my viewers. Hope it brings you lots of smiles and laughs.
I stumbled upon this beautiful new bird on YouTube and am now a subscriber to Korean Birder. I had never heard of this species, so was delighted to learn about it. Korean Birder gathered some fine footage in a park in South Korean over a span of three days, including a hilarious segment of a magpie’s avid interest. Seems it was a first for the magpie, the photographer, and me…
Chickadee footage captured in my Michigan backyard, winter 2023-2024. Music – Arlington by the Wailin’ Jennys.