Capturing Winter
While many poo-poo the snow, I love it. When it covers the ground, the Earth is shrouded in a special silence and the white turns the gray of February into a winter wonderland.
While many poo-poo the snow, I love it. When it covers the ground, the Earth is shrouded in a special silence and the white turns the gray of February into a winter wonderland.
Given enough time, Earth (4.543 billion years) and Mars (4.603 billion years) have created some interesting topology thanks to the effects of wind, erosion and other meteorologic and geologic forces, and this is what you get. The sands of time can be quite creative.
Neil deGrasse Tyson and meteorologist and hurricane specialist, John Morales explain how hurricane season works and why Hurricane Milton differed from other storms.
SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED: A geomagnetic storm (G1-G3) that sparked auroras as far south as Arizona and Texas on Oct. 7th and 8th is finally over. If you missed the show, good news: more auroras are in the offing. The sun just launched another CME directly toward Earth, and it could cause a severe G4-class storm when it arrives on Oct. 10th…
You know me, always interested in science and weather-related articles are no exception. The following is from, and I learned something new.
THE MAY 10TH SUPERSTORM ELECTRIFIED EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE: The geomagnetic superstorm of May 10, 2024, did more than spark widespread auroras. New data show that it also electrified Earth’s atmosphere. Fair weather electric fields jumped as much as 15% for four days after the storm.
Imagine my surprise when I looked at the forecast for our area today, and 65 degrees was predicted. That’s incredible because it’s still February. As you can see by the image, that’s about 30 degrees above normal. And in the middle of the night, I was treated to a bit of thunder and lightning. Incredible.