• astronomy - Space

    Solar Flare or CME?

    With the recent flux of aurora, I'm sure many of you have heard the use of two terms: solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME). While both reach Earth and can produce auroras, they are not to be confused with one another...

  • astronomy - STEM

    KaBOOM! X1.5 flare & sun stuff on the way

    The sun released an X1.5 solar flare early this morning (2:33 UTC on July 29). This flare, along with many of the M flares over the past two days, has a coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with it. CMEs from July 27 and July 28, mentioned in the video below, created a cannibal CME, which is expected to reach Earth on July 31-August 1. We await the space weather forecaster analysis of the CMEs for the past 24 hours, but there are more than likely a few more on the way to Earth’s vicinity. With all of these CMEs and…