“The ick” and “boop” are among more than 3,200 new words and phrases added to the Cambridge Dictionary in 2024. The latest to gain prominence in recent years – are expected to be more than a fleeting part of the English language. Wendalyn Nichols, Cambridge Dictionary’s publishing manager, said that while language is constantly evolving, these new additions have “staying power”. The dictionary defines “the ick”, popularized by the reality show Love Island, as “a sudden feeling that you dislike someone or something or are no longer attracted to someone because of something they do”. It describes “boop” as “a…
The sun released an X1.5 solar flare early this morning (2:33 UTC on July 29). This flare, along with many of the M flares over the past two days, has a coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with it. CMEs from July 27 and July 28, mentioned in the video below, created a cannibal CME, which is expected to reach Earth on July 31-August 1. We await the space weather forecaster analysis of the CMEs for the past 24 hours, but there are more than likely a few more on the way to Earth’s vicinity. With all of these CMEs and…
Not only will the summer be "graced" by a canticle chorus of cicadas, but 2024 will see a double emergence of the short-lived insects. Huh?
Most Michigan homeowners will soon face bigger property tax bills now that a back-to-back 5% hike is set to hit taxable home values in 2024. And yes, you can blame higher inflation for three years of out-of-the ordinary jumps in property taxes. Read more about it in this Detroit Free Press article.