Does it ever drive you crazy trying to remove duplicates from your Spotify playlists? Because there’s no easy way. And when you have multiple lists, it gets pretty insane. Well tonight I found an easy way and I’m delighted to share it with you. It took me under two minutes to accomplish this and now I’m a very happy camper.

Ah, let me rephrase that. I should have asked, where the hell had I been? Under a rock? Head in the sand? No, actually just out of touch.

If you read my blog dated, July 10, 2024, regarding David Gilmour, then you know that I had watched his recently posted videos on YouTube. Not only that, but I’ve also listened to an in-depth interview with David, conducted by John Edington, focusing on Sid Barret, a long, lost soul of the first incarnation of Pink Floyd. It’s a sad story, and one that I won’t get into here, for I don’t want to digress…