YouTube’s antithesis to sleep?

*one of the many videos I enjoy listening to at bedtime
Imagine you are lying in bed with the comforting sounds of rain pattering against the rooftop, streaking down your windows, and splashing into small puddles on the sidewalk, as it lulls you into a peaceful sleep. I spend many such nights with these templates for rest and relaxation, even on sunny days. Yes, you guessed it – sleep meditation videos.
I began using apps, then graduated to YouTube videos in order to facilitate sleep because their long-lasting effects often extend for hours. And thus, that’s how last night’s scenario began but then it quickly soured…
Lost in the throes of an intriguing dream, I was suddenly awakened at 3:15 a.m. with background noise and a man’s voice speaking about some product! What? Eventually I realized it was a YouTube commercial. While the meditation video was ad free, they waited until the end, then stealthily slipped one in.
You lull someone to sleep, then interrupt their peaceful dreams… No, let me restate that – scare the hell out of them in the middle of the night with a company making solicitous pitches for their product?
Hey, I understand that ads make them money but hold on! YT, maybe someone in your boardroom could come up with a better solution? There are exceptions to every rule, so can we not make special dispensation for peaceful mediation videos?
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