Busy little bee

I’ve been busy as little bee in spring, as I revamp, migrate websites and transfer domains. It’s a big job, and not for the faint of heart, but it’s been a part of my world for many years.
When I lived in Detroit, I started my own company called Detroit Webs, designing websites, installing networks and offering tutoring sessions for small businesses. I also taught word processing and basic programming at night at Novi High School. When I moved up north years later, I downsized the business, but still offered web design and hosting, and also repaired Windows computers at home.
Currently, I have my own Windows server but am moving all the sites to a hosting company because I no longer want to have the responsibility of maintaining it. I have two sites left to transfer however, I’m saving the BIG one for last – my VI Corps Combat Engineers site and forum. Not only will I be transferring the data but revamping the entire site and converting it to Word Press to make it more user and mobile friendly. It will be a several month process, but once it’s done, oh what a relief. I put it off for such a long time and you know what? I don’t know why I was dreading it so much. Ah, human nature…
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