Progressive Perspective interviewed Neil deGrasse Tyson and asked him his opinions on the following topics including climate change, artificial intelligence, the “fake” moon landing, and the existence of God. I’ve added my own two cents below.

Upon reading the latest issue of Consumer Reports, dated January/February 2025, I ran across an interesting article, Save $500 on Cell Phone Service This Year. So, today I checked out the possibilities online and decided to do business with Ting.

Today I am sharing my current Neil deGrasse Tyson “shorts” playlist from YouTube. Within it are his commentaries on everything from Newton to neutrinos and everything in between. While heavily science driven (well, of course), Neil often comments on everyday …

Neil deGrasse Tyson Playlist Read more »

The other day I shared a tip on how to easily remove duplicates from multiple playlists in Spotify. Today I’m sharing yet another; something that has plagued me since day one – alphabetizing your playlists. I looked high and low and still could not find a way to do this. That is until this morning. It’s so danged simple, it’s ridiculous.

The Challenger disaster was a devastating blow and prompted President Ronald Reagan to convene fourteen extraordinary specialists to investigate the cause of the accident. The result was the Rogers Commission, named for its chairman William P. Rogers, and included Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, physics Nobel laurate Richard Feynman, and mechanical engineer, Roger M. Boisjoly of Moron Thiokol, who had warned NASA of the uncertainty of the O-ring and its possible failure, which unfortunately came to fruition.