Reviews are my bread and butter!
Nothing feels better to a writer than discovering yet another five-star review of your books, and this morning was no exception. This was in reference to book two of my trilogy, Misha Goes Missing.
A delightful wholesome story of family, friendship, surrounded by adventure and imagination, a young person could appreciate. Its Alice in Wonderland with a different spin. A great read that leaves you asking for more. The entire set of books would be a great holiday gift, and a valuable collection for any young person’s bookshelf. – By Ed Schwall
I explain to my readers that reviews are my bread and butter and without them, well… This is especially true for self-publishers (me) because we don’t have publicists pushing our products, so we rely on word-of-mouth, etc. So many people say, well I didn’t think my review was that important. Au contraire, mon ami! They are worth their weight in gold.
If you’re like me, I won’t purchase any product (books included) without perusing the reviews on Amazon. No stars? Then I move on, so… if you’ve read any or all of my books, please take five minutes of your time to leave a review. I’ll be forever grateful. š
The Story of Q – A trilogy for tweens
The Story of Q
The Story of Q – Misha Goes Missing
The Story of Q – The Secret of Mrs H
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