Success with Chippy!

I’ve been attempting to become friends with Chippy, our backyard chipmunk, but it’s a skill that takes great patience. However, today was the day; almost two weeks after my first experiment and voila, success. I sat on the sidewalk near the man shed, held out my hand with the “nummy seeds” and after a few initial, “I really want that”, but a bit of hesitation, he was soon eating from my hand. Okay, now I must catch it on camera. So, five minutes later I was back out with another handful, and he was more than ready. Nom, nom, nom! Just look at those little (er, not so little cheekies)!
First it was the chickadees, and now the chipmunk. Who’s next?
Wow 😮 that is so cool and amazing! I never knew you could train a chipmunk like that.
Fun with chipmunks!