Sunni Holden – Handpan Musician

I guess I have the writing bug because I’ve blogged several times today. Hey, when the mood strikes…
Anyway, I’m here to introduce Sunni Holden, an 11-year-old, very talented musician from Australia. Sunni stumbled upon the handpan, while visiting the oceanside with his family. And the rest is history. In less than two years, he has become a phenomenon, having caught the attention of seasoned players and the like.
If you’re not familiar with the handpan (a melodic and percussive instrument created in 1999) don’t feel bad because very few people have. I fell in love with it (and him), earlier this week, when a YouTube video popped up on my screen. Immediately after, I did a search and subscribed to his channel.
Enough talk. Let’s listen. You can find his other tunes not only on YouTube, but Spotify as well.
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