Dark and Velvet Nights
A while back I posted a video of one of David Gilmour’s latest releases from his new album, Luck and Strange, to be released in September 2024. Today I had the pleasure of listening to another, Dark and Velvet Nights. …
A while back I posted a video of one of David Gilmour’s latest releases from his new album, Luck and Strange, to be released in September 2024. Today I had the pleasure of listening to another, Dark and Velvet Nights. …
A surprising story of wanting fame, attaining it, then discovering that maybe it wasn’t what he wanted after all. Who are we talking about? Adam Duritz, the singer/songwriter from Counting Crows, one of the biggest alternative bands of the 90’s. …
Rick is one of my favorite persons on YouTube and has been part of my life for a while now. Last week he underwent open heart surgery for a bad valve (mitral valve regurgitation), and I’m pleased to say he’s doing great. He’s back…
I stumbled upon this beautiful new bird on YouTube and am now a subscriber to Korean Birder. I had never heard of this species, so was delighted to learn about it. Korean Birder gathered some fine footage in a park in South Korean over a span of three days, including a hilarious segment of a magpie’s avid interest. Seems it was a first for the magpie, the photographer, and me…
And after a mind-bending post earlier on cosmology, I present a singing bird that makes no demands on your brain. Just lend an ear and eye for some unique entertainment from a frugivorous fellow.
Ah, let me rephrase that. I should have asked, where the hell had I been? Under a rock? Head in the sand? No, actually just out of touch.
If you read my blog dated, July 10, 2024, regarding David Gilmour, then you know that I had watched his recently posted videos on YouTube. Not only that, but I’ve also listened to an in-depth interview with David, conducted by John Edington, focusing on Sid Barret, a long, lost soul of the first incarnation of Pink Floyd. It’s a sad story, and one that I won’t get into here, for I don’t want to digress…