Zooniverse – Solar Jet Hunters

The Zooniverse project I started the other day, was a smaller one which ran out of current data, so this morning I began my third one, Solar Jet Hunters. It’s something right up my alley, since I’ve always been strongly attracted to solar research. In fact, if I could start a new career in astrophysics, this would wind up being my course of study. And what perfect timing, since we just had a North American solar eclipse on Monday.
The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has spent more than a decade collecting data from the Sun. One of the Sun’s most enigmatic behaviors is its bursts of energy, which can take the form of jetted material like water spewing from a hose. In order to understand how the Sun forms jets, we need to examine the SDO data to figure out when and where the solar jets occurred on the Sun.
While some progress has been made by developing algorithms to identify jets, these programs are not accurate enough to provide sound research data. A far more effective tool for finding interesting features on the Sun is the human eye, so they are looking to private, public researchers to explore available videos identifying said solar jets.
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