• astronomy - Research - Weather


    You know me, always interested in science and weather-related articles are no exception. The following is from Spaceweather.com, and I learned something new. THE MAY 10TH SUPERSTORM ELECTRIFIED EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE: The geomagnetic superstorm of May 10, 2024, did more than spark widespread auroras. New data show that it also electrified Earth's atmosphere. Fair weather electric fields jumped as much as 15% for four days after the storm.

  • astronomy - commentary - General Interest - Government

    Send the politicians to space

    I’ve heard others express the same sentiment. It brings to mind the time my husband and I saw Scott Kelly in an appearance in Bay City, MI. He also stated how seeing the Earth from space was a life changing experience – you never look at it the same again. Thus, I think it would be beneficial for self-centered politicians spewing well-rehearsed narrow-minded party lines to view the Earth from 250 miles above. To see it as a fragile blue sphere without lines of demarcation. Maybe, just maybe they’d step away from the experience with a broader view of life.

  • astronomy

    May 2024 Aurora

    Last night's historic geomagnetic storm produced auroras as far south as the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico. The storm is subsiding, but it's not over. At least one more significant CME is on the way, and it could push the storm back to G4/G5 levels. For more info consult Spaceweather.com - dates 5-10 and 5-11- 2024.