Given enough time, Earth (4.543 billion years) and Mars (4.603 billion years) have created some interesting topology thanks to the effects of wind, erosion and other meteorologic and geologic forces, and this is what you get. The sands of time can be quite creative.

14,300 years ago, a pine forest in France bore witness to an event that has never been experienced in modern times: a bombardment of solar particles so fierce that it would likely knock out all communications satellites and fry power grids across the globe if it were to happen today. While we often point to the Carrington Event of 1859, (that knocked out all telegraph communications around the world), as a worst-case scenario, for solar storms, the 774-75 AD storm was at least 10 times stronger.

Last month while perusing the internet I saw something of interest to me – getting involved in research. Zooniverse Collections is the world’s largest and most popular platform for volunteer-based research. This research is made possible by more than a million …

Star Notes – Project PHaEDRA’s Zooniverse collections Read more »