I read a well-written article titled, The Sacrificing of Suga (K-Culture with Jae-ha Kim, a culture journalist), and felt I had to respond, even though I had written a post two weeks ago, dated August 8, 2024, speaking of how …

Don’t interfere with our culture Read more »

I ran across a blog a while ago and rediscovered it tonight, rummaging through my inbox. How appropriate, I thought, since I just finished writing Tukaa’s Tale, a spin-off of The Story of Q, my tween trilogy.

It appears that too many recent books fall short of young people’s expectations, causing them to lose interest in reading. Authors (libraries are guilty too) have taken the joy out of the equation and placed it on the back burner. Instead, their focus lies with dealing with today’s issues – child abuse, failed relationships, war., etc. While we may want our children to be aware of history and the world around them, shouldn’t childhood also be filled with wonder, enchantment, imagination and escape? They are only kids for so long, and in today’s world, that seems to be even shorter because they are bombarded with conflict daily.

I happened to hear this song today, and it reached my eardrums at just the right moment, as I was texting with a friend regarding the recent Min Yoongi drunk driving arrest. Without going into detail, there was an incident with alcohol. He failed the breathalyzer test, had his license suspended for 90 days and received a fine. That’s all I know for certain, so will not make further comment, because it is not mine to make…

The following is the response I left on YouTube, after watching the above video by Rolling Stone Magazine, released just hours ago.

“Always happy to see articles, interviews, and reaction videos to BTS. I’ve been a fan since October of 2018, when family members asked me to watch some YouTube MV’s. I had this stereotypical image in my head, so begrudgingly agreed. It was a day that took my life down another path…

A few months ago, I watched this amazing video on a little girl named, Ana, and I happened to run across the video again, this morning. She blew my mind for numerous reasons, but the main one was because of the confidence she exuded.

The first thing you’ll notice about her is her infectious smile and laugh. The second, her profound intelligence. She’s articulate. A deep thinker. As her mother says, “She’s a thirty-eight-year-old in an eight-year-old’s body.”